gorman crossing 

elementary pta

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

President: Katie Wall gcespta@gmail.com

Vice President 1: Taruna Barber  gcesvpone@gmail.com

Vice President 2: Jovonne Williams  gcesvptwo@gmail.com

Treasurer: Olga Osaghae  gcestreasurer@gmail.com

Secretary: Troy Hoffman  gcesptasec@gmail.com

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to your child’s Gorman Crossing PTA.  

This school year, the PTA is sponsoring:

All of these activities require not only volunteers to organize and run events, but also money.  In fact, we calculated that it will cost $30.95 per student, for the PTA to do everything that is planned for this school year.  

To donate to the GCES PTA, please click this link:  http://app.memberhub.gives//gatorgiving

PTA news & updates

BINGO NIGHT December 1st 6-8:30

BINGO Night is right around the corner and we need help to make it a great night! We are so excited to bring BINGO Night back to GCES on December 1st from 6-8:30pm!  It will be a night filled with friends, games, fun and who could forget the GATOR HOLIDAY BAKE-OFF!  Teachers will bake their best and favorite recipes to put up for auction!  In order to make this evening wonderful, WE NEED YOU!  Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!


Taharka Bros.

Order ice cream! – Just in time for the holidays, you have the opportunity to get some of the BEST locally-made ice cream from Taharka Bros., delivered straight to your home! The ordering window is November 10 – 15, and the ice cream will be delivered to your home on November 17 between 4:30 – 9:30 PM. You can even join with neighbors and place an order together, if the minimum order feels like too much! To place an order, enter our fundraiser code, “gormancrossing” on the following page: https://deliver.taharkabrothers.com/Order/Fundraiser

Dream Auto Detailing

Get your car cleaned! - Through November, Dream Auto Detailing will come to your home / location and get your car amazingly clean with a thorough detailing! Just mention Gorman Crossing when you schedule, and they will donate 15% of proceeds to the GCES PTA! Contact the owner, Antonio Artis, at 443 – 467 – 4363, and get scheduled today!

After School Programs (PTA Sponsored)


PTA Calendar

PTA Sponsored Events

December 1 - BINGO Night

January 5 - Skate Night

February 23 - Multicultural Night

March 4-22 Read-a-thon

April 5 - BINGO NIGHT #2

May 3 - GATOR Jam

June 7 - Skate Night #2

PTA General Membership Meetings:

Mark your calendar for this year's PTA meetings.  Meetings will be held virtually unless noted differently and will be held at 7pm unless noted differently.

September 27

November 29

January 24

March 20

May 8 (May be held in person and time may shift)



Join GCES PTA by becoming a member.  Our goal this year was to reach 300 members and...drumroll please... currently we have 308 members!!!  Way to go GCES community!  Thank you for all of your support!  

If you would like to become a member, use the link above and come join the fun!! 

Family Membership - $25 allows you 2 voting members, access to the newsletter, emails, and special perks at PTA events

Faculty/Staff Membership - $10 allows you 1 voting member, access to the newsletter, emails, and special perks at PTA events

Support the gorman Crossing pta

Gator Giving a no-fuss fundraiser

As “Giving Tuesday” approaches, we hope that you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to your child’s Gorman Crossing PTA.  

This school year, the PTA is sponsoring:

All of these activities require not only volunteers to organize and run events, but also money.  In fact, we calculated that it will cost $30.95 per student, for the PTA to do everything that is planned for this school year.  

There is absolutely no obligation to donate!  If you are able to make a donation, we have set up an easy way for you to do so, and feel good knowing that you have made a positive impact on your children’s school.  Plus, we are offering cool perks for bronze, silver, and gold donors 😊.

To donate to the GCES PTA, please click this link:  http://app.memberhub.gives//gatorgiving

Store Partnerships

There are several very simple, quick things you can do to help support the PTA without spending a penny.  Please check out the attached flyer to see how you can help, in 5 minutes or less! 

Business Donation

Are you thinking about end-of-year giving for your business? The GCES PTA is a tax-exempt organization, and we would love to spread the word that your business supports our local community. Join great local businesses, such as Fulton Family Dental Care (www.fultonfamilydentalcare.com) and the Nourishing Journey Café (www.nourishing-journey-cafe.com) today! For more details, please reach out to Taruna Barber (gcesvpone@gmail.com).


Each of the events that we bring to our community takes many hands to make successful.  If you are looking for a way to get involved, fill out this google form and let us know your interests.

Administrative Documents



Meeting Minutes

PTACHC Meeting Notes

HCPSS Connect

Parent Access to Student Information - Where you would find your Family File, Report Cards, Standardized Test Scores, etc.


Instructional apps including Canvas where you can find your child's daily assignments and classwork grades.

PTA Council of Howard County (PTACHC)

Support our Corporate Sponsors